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Canadian Cedar known as Western Red Cedar

Since 1950 Canadian Cedar from British Columbia has been our choice of timber lath for venetian blinds and has served our customers well.


Chosen for it's stability, light  weight and striking range of colours it has been the mainstay in timber venetian blinds for Architectural, Commercial and domestic projects. Cedar venetians were the choice of Government for there restorations and new projects for the longevity needed for a window covering which would last decades. They are still used today in heritage Sydney buildings and in Parliament house Canberra. 


Cedar Venetians because of there stability are perfect for outside use and are widely used by Architects for shading glass while still retaining a view and to adjust or pull up out of the way.

It was Glen Murcutt Architect who saw the value and use in the cedar outside venetian blind and can be seen on many of his award winning houses. 


There are other choices out there today which can have the the same application, but when it comes to timber venetians there is only one good choice and that is Western Red Cedar. 

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